NUFORC UFO Sighting 80653
Occurred: 2011-03-19 20:00 LocalReported: 2011-03-27 23:40 Pacific
Duration: 10-15 minutes
No of observers: 1
Location: North Bend, WA, USA
Shape: Other
Characteristics: Emitted beams, Aircraft nearby
12 Orange glowing kite-shaped fast moving objects flying one after another; north bend, wa; very low
Last Saturday night, March 19th, about 8 PM, I went outside to see if the full moon was up over the mountain yet. I saw a bright orange object moving fast towards me from the southeast. It looked low on the horizon but when it got over me, it looked like a big type of kite or parachute, with an arched rectangular- shaped top and a bright orange bright light underneath it. I was able to look right up at the shape as it passed over my head.
The object kept moving toward the north, seeming to get higher and then disappeared upwards into the sky. I turned my head and saw another one moving towards me. This one also moved to the north, but headed more west, disappearing upwards into the sky. I turned my head, and another one was coming, appearing so low that I wondered if it was going to land somewhere. I was thinking that a bunch of extreme junkies maybe planned a jump off Mt Si with lights on their kites but they must have been motorized because they were moving fast.
The big kite-shaped objects would then hesitate a little directly above me and then gain altitude as they moved away. More and more kept coming from the same direction, from the south east side of the mountain. A couple stayed above me for a half-minute or so and then went straight up, disappearing into the sky. At one point, I watched one begin to move away, towards the west, and a small plane’s lights were right next to it and I wondered if the pilot was going to hit it. The small plane had been much higher in the sky than these objects, but the object quickly gained altitude next to the plane before it disappeared.
By now, I figured out that these were not kites and called my sister, telling her that I was watching some very strange things in the sky above me. Several more came my way, one even appeared to turn and go backwards before it went straight up. A couple others hovered longer over me and then went straight up. I just remember watching them one by one and then turning my head to see another one coming and could see others behind it, like they were all behind each other, following each other.
The size was hard to tell. When they first were heading my way, they looked about the size of big kites or parachutes but the bright orange glow under them distorted the size. They actually looked bigger when they got right over me. Then, it looked like the size of a small plane maybe. They were totally silent and moved very fast as they approached and left, appearing to slow down sometimes before they hovered. I think I counted 12 before they stopped coming. The whole experience lasted between 10 and 15 minutes.
Posted 2011-04-03
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