NUFORC UFO Sighting 80617

Occurred: 2011-03-26 21:30 Local
Reported: 2011-03-27 06:19 Pacific
Duration: 5-10 minutes or longer (I
No of observers: 3

Location: San Diego, CA, USA

Shape: Unknown
Characteristics: Lights on object, Changed Colo

Object was glowing red and green and was hard to identify the shape. First it fell like a shooting star, then it began to jig jag...

I was standing outside with two friends atop a higher hilly region a few miles off of Del Mar Heights Road in the Del Mar area of San Diego (more inland about 5-7 miles East of the 5 Freeway). We had all just finished admiring the panoramic view and the various skylines when something drew my eyes back to that part of the sky.

All of a sudden, I saw what appeared to be a very low shooting star way off in the distance. It is hard to decipher where it was exactly in San Diego, as it seemed to be over 10 - 20 miles south / southeast of where we were. Immediately, I told the others and they watched what initially appeared to be a shooting star begin to rise back up in the sky. I found myself saying, "Wait a minute, that's not supposed to happen. That's not a shooting star afterall." The object was glowing red and green and was hard to identify the shape. Instead of dissipating into the atmosphere after it fell, it began to move close to the ground next to a few tall buildings (5 - 10 stories in height). It then moved back up in a jig jagged way. It went about 5 stories above the taller buildings and then swooped back down near the ground again.

We all looked away as we joked at what it could be. "Hopefully it's just a very nicely made remote control toy or something." But then I realized it had impressively bright lights. We all looked back a third time to see if it was still there, and found it was very high up in the sky - about as high or even higher than a commercial airplane flies.

Posted 2011-04-03

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