NUFORC UFO Sighting 80513

Occurred: 1999-11-28 00:00 Local - Approximate
Reported: 2011-03-18 20:05 Pacific
Duration: 15 minutes
No of observers: 2

Location: Dubois, PA, USA

Shape: Fireball

I saw a ball of flame and watched it for 15 minutes and it just disappeared right before my eyes.

We were on our way out to hunt deer the morning of the sighting. It was around 5am. We stopped at ur last stop to pick up my friend. His dad owned the farm where we were going to hunt. My brother and I were outside waiting for him.

We were standing beside my truck. It was still very dark but the sun was on the way up. So we could see the tree lines. I was looking back over the fields where we would be going to hunt when this ball of flame appeared. It was about 700 yard from us. It came up over the tree tops and was stationary there. As I watched it You could tell it was moving. It moved very slowly almost not noticeable but because of the tree tops I could tell it was moving. It moved out and over to the middle of an open field. I would say about 100 yards from where I originally saw it. I would say it was as big as a recliner chair. I never took my eyes off of it and watched it and just like someone turned off a light switch it was gone. Not gone like it to! ok off just gone like it disapeared.

Needless to say I was scared to death to go into the woods there until it got light. We always went in the woods long before daylight but not that morning. To this day I dont know what I saw and probably will never know. My brother and I never talked about this again. I was watching a UFO show tonight and thought i would share this. I used to think people were crack pots. But what we saw was real and unexplained and people wouldnt believe my story either thats why I never told anyone. I hope this helps verify someone elses story that may have saw something like this.

Posted 2011-03-23

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