NUFORC Sighting 80290

Occurred: 2009-08-15 22:30 Local - Approximate
Reported: 2011-03-02 18:13 Pacific
Duration: 8 minutes
No of observers: 3

Location: Afton, TN, USA

Shape: Triangle
Characteristics: Aircraft nearby

This was mid August in 2009. It was a full moon and a crystal clear evening. I had taken my dogs out and put them to bed and went outside onto my porch which faces to the west. I went out to have my last cigarette for the evening like i had for the last several years. I looked out to the southwest to enjoy the clear evening sky and take in all stars and the evening air. I thought i saw just another jet flying one of the usual flight patterns that fly over my house, but upon closer observation i realized this object was far to low to be a commercial airliner or private jet. As it got closer I saw that it was'nt any higher in the air than 1500 to 2000 feet. When the vehicle got to within a quarter of a mile from where i was it slowed down to maybe 100mph and banked to the right 30 degrees, when it did this the moon lit it up and i saw for the first time the size of this vehicle. At the same I also noticed no sound no jet engines no propeller no helicopter blades just silence, you could hear the crickets it was that quiet.

As it slowly passed overhead i did notice a f16 chase plane in full afterburner trying to catch this thing, when the F16 got to the vehicle it banked left and started a shallow left turn circular flyby pattern, after seeing this I ran into my house and yelled at my wife and mother in law to go to the front porch of the house and help me find the camera!! They asked me why and I said " there is a huge UFO fying over the house and I need to get photos". They ran onto the front porch and both screamed Oh my god!! I could'nt locate the camera so i made it to the front porch and got as many visual refrences as I possibly could. My wife and my mother in law saw the vehicle pass over the house and it also exited the area at a very high rate of speed and no sonic boom. When the vehicle made its right turn to exit the area the F16 came around on another pass coming in behind the vehicle, it left and the F16 tried to pursue! but gave up quickly.


Witness indicates that the date of the sighting is approximate. PD

Posted 2011-03-10

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