NUFORC UFO Sighting 8001
Occurred: 1999-06-12 10:30 LocalReported: 1999-06-12 00:00 Pacific
Duration: approx. 3 min.
No of observers: 2
Location: Shrewsbury, MA, USA
Shape: Other
Driving east on Route 20, saw silver metallic object suspended in clear sky, approximately one-half to one mile up.
Two of us driving east on Route 20 in Worcester on way to early movie. I looked up in sky, only to see a silver object sitting in a clear blue sky (it glinted in the sun). My friend(the driver,who tends to be a skeptic) confirmed that she saw it too. We lost sight of it as trees obscured our view, and we had to make a left hand turn. This is a very busy highway, and there was no chance to pull over to try to take a picture. My friend recalls it as being crescent-shaped; my impression was of a slim rectangle. I am retired; she is a high school science teacher; we are are both college graduates. On returning from the movie, I scanned the same area of the sky (only travelling west now) to see if I could see it again (thinking it could have been an advertising balloon, but too far up for that really), but did not.
Posted 1999-06-23
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