NUFORC UFO Sighting 7978

Occurred: 1999-06-08 10:45 Local
Reported: 1999-06-09 00:00 Pacific
Duration: 1.5 hrs
No of observers: 2

Location: Manchester, NH, USA

Shape: Rectangle
Characteristics: Lights on object, Aura or haze around object, Emitted other objects, Changed Colo

When 1st seen at 10:45pm it seemed to be a bright blue-green rectangle. Soon it seemed to become narrower but very elongated. A bright pulse of light seemed to travel its length occasionally. It was observed for 1.5 hrs.

The incident I'm about to tell you about took place last night (June 8, 1999) at approx. 10:45 PM until past 1:00 AM (June 9th). I live in Manchester, NH and was in my backyard. Last night about 10:45 I was taking a dip in the pool before going to bed & a bright light caught my eye. When I looked up (towards the west, about 60 degrees) I saw a bright green rectangle of light behind the clouds. I watched it for a few minutes then saw other bright green streaks light run parallel to it. After about 4 minutes the rectangle lost its "width" but it was getting longer. I ran in the house to get my wife, who came out shortly after.. BUT, my son figured he'd come outside and amuse Dad. I really figured I'd either imagined it or that there would be nothing there when they came out and they'd chalk it up to senility in the old man. As soon as we got outside all I heard was my son say "Oh my God". It was still there!!! We watched it together for over an hour! It's green light definitely "pulsed" & seemed to do a few "chase" patterns. We saw some white flashes of light come out from the side of it. Yes, we did call channel nine, the local TV station. They said they'd love to have a look but probably couldn't get anybody to where we were. I told them to just step out of the station and look up! Her reply was that "we're pretty busy here tonight". This was like every sci-fi alien invasion movie ever made. Two guys see it, no one believes it or checks it out. I got out the video camera but I couldn't find it or focus on it thru the view finder. At times the light would seem long and narrow, sometimes whole, sometimes with a "dark" or unlit section in the middle. Other times it seemed wider and the light more concentrated in a rectangular shape. But it never regained the severe rectangular shape I first saw. Another very strange thing was that it would suddenly "turn off", then on again. It was partly to mostly cloudy during this time, but it's light was definitely visible through the clouds. Just before I finally went to bed I checked out the window & it was still there, but had gone from green to blue. Anyway, I was just really grateful that my son & wife were there to see it too. I'm trying to checkout NASA and the Nat. Weather Serv. to see if they reported anything. There's no way we were the only ones to see this thing. If it was a hoax of some kind, it was a good one. I've seen the Borealis before & this definitely was not it. It was west-south-west, about 60 to 70 degrees off the horizon. I did check for comets and found that the Comet Lee may have been visible (if I read this info correctly). Anyway, I know it may sound like I'm losing it...but I know we saw something, I just don't know what. Any help you could give me would be greatly appreciated. Thanks for taking the time .

Posted 1999-06-23

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