NUFORC UFO Sighting 7930
Occurred: 1999-05-15 22:30 LocalReported: 1999-06-02 00:00 Pacific
Duration: 1-2 minutes
No of observers: 3
Location: Wolfeboro, NH, USA
Shape: Light
I was called by a friend on the phone who said she and her husband had just seen a bright light moving silently and speedily across the sky, changing directions. I went outside to look and within a few minutes saw a light move from points east to points south, almost the entire field of view. It then made a sudden 45 degree turn and cut straight across the sky, passing directly overhead and continuing until it was out of my field of view. It appeared to be very high in the sky.
The object appeared to be a steady, white light,moved without making a sound. It was a very clear night. I thought perhaps it was a plane, shooting star, or even a satelite, but was convinced otherwise when it made its sharp 45 degree turn with no reduction in speed. Speaking of speed, it remained constant the whole time, taking about 45 seconds to go from my far left to my far right, then about another minute after it made its turn. I am 31 yrs old, married with kids, and studying to be an accountant.
Posted 1999-06-23
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