NUFORC UFO Sighting 79074
Occurred: 2010-11-27 02:00 LocalReported: 2010-11-28 18:52 Pacific
Duration: 10 minutes
No of observers: 2
Location: West Hills, CA, USA
Shape: Chevron
Characteristics: Lights on object, Changed Colo
UFO sighting over main street
I was driving down a main street in West Hills when I saw a chevron shaped flat object flying above the street, a bit further down the road. I slowed down to watch it as it flew about, vanishing and reappearing before my eyes two or three times. It was about a yard wide, and wasn’t very far from the ground, perhaps 30 or 40 feet. On one side the lights were red and white, and on the other they were blue and purple. The UFO would flip over in a spinning motion, showing that it was flat when it did so, and revealing the colors on the other side. It flipped consistently and very gracefully, moving unlike anything the two witnesses have ever seen on earth. It flew in circles above the street, flipping and spinning, until it darted too low to see, about 10 minutes after I had come upon it. It was very pretty to watch, and seemed unlike anything on Earth.
Posted 2011-01-05
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