NUFORC Sighting 7895

Occurred: 1999-02-25 21:00 Local
Reported: 1999-05-25 00:00 Pacific
Duration: still there
No of observers: 4

Location: Western Sky from Pflugerville, TX, USA

Shape: Oval
Characteristics: Lights on object, Aura or haze around object, Changed Colo

Went to close blinds in bedroom for the evening and noticed bright lights in the sky.

Went to close blinds in bedroom for the evening and noticed bright lights in the sky. There appears to be 6 lights 3 on 3... with blue and red lights moving around the exterior. Because of the change of color I thought the object was an airplane. Though it is not moving. The time now is 9:28pm... and the object is still there. I can view it from our office window in our home.

* * * *

Dear Mrs. ((deleted)),
|Thank you very much for the telephone call, and the report. I
|attempted to return the call, but I suspect you were retired for the night.
|Please check in the same area of the sky at about the same time on
|the next clear night to see if it appears again. Is there any
|possibility you were looking at a celestial object, a star or
|planet? Also, where was the object located in the sky, relative
|to Venus, please?
|Thank you!
|Peter B. Davenport, Director
|National UFO Reporting Center
|PO Box 45623
|University Station
|Seattle, WA 98145
|Hotline: 206-722-3000 (From 8AM to Midnight Pacific preferred)

* * * * *



The Object has not returned since the initial sighting. (location viewed on
two following nights, clear sky - Bright Moon and Venus) The object sighted
did not appear to be a celestial object - as there were 6 distinct lights
(blue and red) that rotated in a fixed position around a central point. At
2200hrs CST - Venus appears @ 40 degrees in the northwest sky relative to
the position of my initial sighting out the back window of our house. The
object was about 20 degrees further north of Venus', and at 80 degrees

My husband is a private pilot and he was UNABLE to see the object at his
workplace that is 10 miles north of my position. Given that the colors of
the object were "blue and red" - my husbands initial thought was that these
might be position lights as those found on aircraft. During the sighting,
he asked me to describe several things while I looked at the object; any
stobe lights, rotating beacons, visible appendages, angular or velocity
movements, the direction of rotation of the objects lights, whether a
fuselage was visible, the depth of colored lights, their intensity, and
whether I could hear a source of propulsion. I talked with him on the phone
as I watched the object along with my children. I am certain that this was
not a celestial body or swamp gas.

There was an atmospheric event in the form of a severe thunderstorm with
tops at flight level 55 about 30 miles to the north of Pflugerville at the
time of the sighting. (my husband,((name deleted)), is is writing this for me -
again - asking me questions)

By the way - on a light note. My four year old daughter, ((name deleted)), is
convinced that the object sighted was the "magic school bus" of PBS fame.
She thinks that "they" were studying the stars.

I am in Oregon for the next few days visiting family, having flown up here
Thursay (5/27) morning.

You can reach me at 541-((deleted)).

If you call us there, you can speak with four witnesses - myself (34), my
son ((deleted))(deleted), my son ((deleted)) (age deletdd), and my daughter ((name deleted)) (age deleted)). You may
want to get ((name deleted)) on tape. It's very cute to hear her describe watching
the "magic school bus"

Thanks for your time and quick response.



Posted 1999-06-23

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