NUFORC UFO Sighting 78139

Occurred: 2010-10-02 12:15 Local
Reported: 2010-10-04 08:28 Pacific
Duration: 2 min.
No of observers: 1

Location: Orange, CA, USA

Shape: Unknown
Characteristics: Lights on object, Aura or haze around object, Emitted beams, Changed Colo

Mysterious Rays Light Up Night Sky in Orange, California

So...Friday night my boyfriend and I were in Orange County visiting old friends at a kegger. We left the party at around midnight, October 2nd. After picking up some In-n-Out on Chapman Ave. we headed up Chapman towards the 241 to Riverside. My boyfriend was passed out drunk, and I was D.D. As soon as we went over the top of the hill, right after the Orange Hill Restaurant street ;ight, I saw these beautiful rays of light flashing upwards towards the sky. I want to describe it as similar to the lights you see at a car dealer, but there were way too many of them! So my best example is when you see in E.T. movies, a UFO sitting in the middle of the forest and it's lights are shining throughthe trees in a somewhat circular,waving motion? Hope that makes sense. But NE ways, it light up the whole night sky, and it was coming from in front and to the left of me. So my best guess is that it was coming from somewhere in between the Irvine Park and Santiago Oaks area! . I saw the lights constantly moving from the top of the hill until right before I got to Santiago Canyon College. My vision of the source of the lights was somewhat obscured by all the tall trees in the area. But whatever it was, it was very bright and had to have at least 5 lights around it to account for how many rays I saw shooting upwards. The color of the rays went from a pure white to a faint blue.

Posted 2010-11-21

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