NUFORC UFO Sighting 77662
Occurred: 2010-09-05 21:50 LocalReported: 2010-09-06 12:50 Pacific
Duration: 5 minutes
No of observers: 4
Location: Grass Valley, CA, USA
Shape: Orb
Two objects flying in formation.
Location: Grass Valley, California Date: September 5, 2010 Time: 21:50 hours PDT, 09:45 PM PDT My brother, his son, my sister, my wife and I are in Grass Valley California. Four of us, (all but my sister Andrea) saw this last night. It was a very warm night and we were sitting on the deck outs...ide of the house.
It was a beautifully clear night and the stars were bright. We had only candles lit to keep the bugs to a minimum. My nephew looked upwards at the sky and said, "Dad, what is that?" At that moment, we all looked directly overhead to the sky. Traveling from the south heading almost directly to the north very possibly heading 360 degrees and 90 degrees off of the eastern horizon, all four of us clearly saw two objects. These two objects were traveling in synchronized formation. The lead object led the second object forward and to the left at a distance of about 500 to 1000 miles, depending on the exact altitude.
The two objects maintained identical course and speed. Both objects appeared to be similar in appearance to the surrounding stars excepts that they were at least 2 times brighter than Jupiter which was in the eastern skies and the brightest star in the skies.
It is difficult to judge the exact altitude of the two objects but they were at least 100,000 feet above sea level and probably higher. Compared to other aircraft in the skies, they were at least three or four times higher. They were traveling at about 4,000 mph or greater.
The two objects flew completely synchronous. When they approached almost directly overhead, they slowed to approximately 1,000 mph together. They then initiated a change of direction, heading perpendicular to the Earth directly upwards out towards open space. They then proceeded outwards at a remarkable rate of speed exceeding in our estimation 5,000 to 10,000 mph. As the objects exited our view, their star like appearance gradually reduced down in a dimming fashion to a bright pin point and then became invisable.
I have had the good fortune to be present at a space shuttle landing at Cape Kennedy Florida. The re-entry of the orbiter into the Earth's atmosphere is the only thing that I have ever seen that might be comparable to what we saw last night with regard to speeds, altitude and controlled direction of flight.
Four individuals who were together on our deck saw this event last night. We all are in agreement about the details as discribed. I have been on this planet for almost sixty years and I have never seen anything even remotely simmilar to this.
We are not making any claims as to exactly what it was that we saw or their origins. We do believe it to be reasonable to conclude that since the two objects were flying synchronous, changing both speed as well as direction, simultaneously, that they had to be communicating with each other. We also believe it to be reasonable to conclude that the objects were being intelligently controlled.
Posted 2010-11-21
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