NUFORC Sighting 77425

Occurred: 2010-08-21 10:45 Local
Reported: 2010-08-26 08:57 Pacific
Duration: 45 seconds
No of observers: 1

Location: Washington (near), PA, USA

Shape: Unknown

Large white craft seen on 1-70W during morning traffic

On Saturday, August 21, 2010, I was driving to Wheeling, WV to attend a wedding. At around 10:45AM, while approaching Washington, PA on I-70W, a large object in the northern sky caught my attention. Since there was a bit of traffic and I was driving relatively slowly, I was able to observe the object for approximately 45 seconds. The first instant I saw it, I thought it must have been a very large, low flying jet of some sort, but further observation ruled that out. The object was long, thin, tapered at each end, with a somewhat thicker section in the middle of the craft. It was a solid white in color and was flying at about 8 inches (visually) above the treeline. It was at least five inches long at arm's length from end to end, and maybe about an inch maximum from top to bottom at the thickest part. Again, it appeared to be very large. I could see that it was definitely gliding toward my general direction at a steady speed. I could not distinguish the exact! shape of the craft as I was looking at an approaching object dead-on. In my opinion, it was probably a large disk or chevron-shaped craft. There was no sound and I saw no contrail. It was very startling due to the size and nature of the object. It was unlike anything I am familiar with seeing in the sky. I was unable to see where it went after I drove past it.

I know for a fact that several other people had the chance to see this object, as there were many vehicles on the road at the time, the object was quite noticeable, and traffic was moving relatively slowly. I'm extremely curious to see if another witness might read this report and come forward with their own account. Perhaps someone at a different vantage point was able to get a better view of the shape of the object.

Posted 2010-08-30

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