NUFORC UFO Sighting 7711

Occurred: 1977-06-15 01:00 Local - Approximate
Reported: 1999-05-12 00:00 Pacific
Duration: 1-2 minutes
No of observers: 3

Location: Stillwater (west of), OK, USA

Shape: Light

Three of us saw a high flying jet/airplane begin zig-zagging across the sky for about 30 seconds.

This happened so long ago that I have never considered reporting it until I heard you on the recent sightings on radio show. At the time I thought that ufo's had to be a "flying saucer" to be a real event. But some months ago, I read a recent report that sounded much like mine. I never forgot what happened but I didn't commit the entire night to memory either. The date I gave is a pretty wild guess based on who I was with and when we would have been together. Here is what happened. My two friends and I were college friends/roomies off campus at Okla. State Univ. It must have been early Saturday morning and we had been out chasing the ladies and the bars had closed down so we decided to go out about 5 miles west of town to Lake Carl Blackwell where we liked to go to watch the stars for meteors. We were just lying flat on the ground looking straight up. I was laying with my head facing west and my feet to the east. At some point I saw what I thought was a high flying airplane or jet (i.e. a point source of light, like a star) moving across the sky at a semmingly normal speed, from west to east. I saw it near my zenith and fixed on it for some reason. After it passed my zenith, it began zig zagging. It was not "arc-ing" but was making definite hard angles. The relative distance the object moved from one "cut" to the next was about the size of a dime at arms lenghth. It did not speed up or slow down, it just zigged for about 30 seconds and then returned to a straight line until it passed out of sight to the east. I did not say a word and neither did my friends but about a minute after it had slowly disappeared I just asked "Did anybody see that?" Both of my friends raised up and said in unison, "Did you see that too?" I asked, "Dale,what did YOU see?" Dale described exactly what I saw. DeWayne agreed that he saw the same thing. We scratched our heads and then let it go. Now, we HAD been out on the town earlier but we were not intoxicated, certainly not to a point were it effected what we saw. I have never seen anything act like that before or since and spend alot of time outdoors wathing the night sky. I've seen "satellites" just sort of fade in and then fade out, but never saw anything zig-zagging in or even arc-ing in any manor. I still wonder what it was.

Posted 2002-09-06

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