NUFORC UFO Sighting 76299
Occurred: 2010-07-07 22:30 LocalReported: 2010-07-07 23:04 Pacific
Duration: 60 seconds
No of observers: 2
Location: Renton, WA, USA
Shape: Unknown
Characteristics: Lights on object
Slow moving silent bright white light
My husband and I were enjoying looking at the stars and noticed a single bright light moving from the NE to the SW over the Renton WA area. We had just seen 2 planes leaving Sea Tac with their blinking lights, this object had a steady white light that did not blink. It moved slowly in a straight line. Did not change speed or direction. As it moved past us and to the SW we expected to hear the engine noise but heard nothing. Silent. It continued to the SW and the light dimmed until we could no longer see it. Possibly a low orbiting satellite? The light seemed way too bright to be from orbit. it seemed lower like the same elevation the planes were on.
International Space Station overflight. PD
Posted 2010-07-10
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