NUFORC UFO Sighting 76286
Occurred: 2010-07-03 20:30 LocalReported: 2010-07-07 20:45 Pacific
Duration: 2-3 minutes
No of observers: 2
Location: Addison, TX, USA
Shape: Fireball
Characteristics: Lights on object, Aura or haze around object
Two bright orange circular-type objects appearing at edge of a city park during 4th of July festivities
Date: July 3, 2010
On Saturday, July 3, my friend and I went to "Kaboom Town," an annual fireworks party in Addison, TX, on the north side of Dallas. It is several acres of park ground with an outdoor stage for concerts, etc.
We were seated in lawn chairs on the west side of the park/stage area. A few feet to the west of us is a street, on the other side of which is Addison Airport for small planes.
As part of the festivities there were flyovers by vintage war airplanes, circling the park area. The wind section of the symphony was playing music on the stage as the vintage planes occasionally circled the park. Our chairs were facing the stage, a few yards to our southeast, with the airport behind us. I do not know the time, but it was still light, approximately 8- 8:30 pm.
I happened to notice and began to watch something bright orange, somewhat circular in shape, approaching from the behind the stage (from the south) travelling in a straight line to the northwest, crossing over the Addison airport.
I pointed it out to my friend and we both watched as a 2nd object appeared behind the first one. The two objects flew silently in a straight line from south to northwest. There was nothing unusual about the flight pattern, only that they were bright orange and that I had never seen anything of that color before, and that they were somewhat circular in shape.
The vintage planes had been flying at a lower altitude where you could clearly see their shape. The two orange objects were a lot higher in the sky, but low enough to appear an approximate 4 inch diameter as we viewed it. They moved quickly. Our line of sight was about a mile, and it took a couple of minutes for them to disappear from view.
We both watched and commented about it. I made a joke that maybe it was ufo’s for our 4th of July festivities. They were definitely not airplanes as we know them.
I have never seen any kind of ufo before and I didn’t think any more about it until I heard your report on Coast to Coast that there were many such sightings on July 4, and I mentally noted that we had seen these objects on July 3, but at a July 4 celebration.
There were several hundred people at the event, but I only know of my friend and I who actually watched these 2 objects.
Posted 2010-07-10
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