NUFORC UFO Sighting 76279
Occurred: 2010-05-15 12:00 LocalReported: 2010-07-07 18:24 Pacific
No of observers: 0
Location: Tulum (Mexico), , Mexico
Shape: Disk
In the picture you can clearly see a metallic disc craft in the top right corner of the photo above the mayan ruin.
My girlfriends parents just recently visited Mexico and visited the Mayan ruins at Tulum. They took a bunch of pictures on the trip and when they returned, we were all looking through the photos for the first time. We came across a photo that looked unusual and when we saw this, we were stunned. In the top right of the photo above the ruin, you can clearly see a disc shaped metallic craft. They did not see the craft when the photo was taken but you can clearly see this in the photo. The object seems to be in motion but is clearly visible.
We have looked at the photo, and it looks to us to be a bird in flight with its wings folded. PD
Posted 2010-07-10
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