NUFORC UFO Sighting 76273

Occurred: 2010-07-04 21:00 Local
Reported: 2010-07-07 17:24 Pacific
Duration: 10 minutes
No of observers: 3

Location: Bradyville, TN, USA

Shape: Fireball
Characteristics: Aura or haze around object

July 4th Glowing Ball Hovers in TN Sky

On July 4th, our family was enjoying fireworks in my parents’ back yard. I went to the front yard to get some photos of the fireworks behind the house. When I looked to my left, south east of the house, I saw an unusual light in the sky between the two hills. I went to the back yard to show my brother the pictures I took. He ended up deleting the photos of the object because he thought they were bad fireworks photos. I told him about the object. The he told me he saw it from the backyard and our mom, who overheard us talking, mentioned that she saw it from the back porch. She thought it was a tower light until she realized there is no tower there. By the time we looked up in the sky again, it was gone. I guess it was there for about 5 or 10 minutes. I’m not really sure. I saw it twice from the front yard and it hovered in the sky long enough for me to snap the photos and walk to the back yard.

It was really just an orange-red glowing ball that did nothing but hover in the sky. It seemed larger than a star but not as large as the moon. Nothing weird happened, nor were there any strange feelings or happenings associated with it. There were lots of fireworks going off all over the neighborhood. Seems like whatever it was, was just a part of the “show” or enjoying the show, like the rest of us. My mom and I are not believers in UFOs or Aliens.

My mom, brother, and I just chalked it up as a strange phenomenon. I wasn’t going to report it until I saw on your website that dozens of reports were made the same day. I just think it’s strange. I don’t really have any more details than that.

Posted 2010-07-10

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