NUFORC UFO Sighting 76272
Occurred: 2010-07-04 22:15 LocalReported: 2010-07-07 16:50 Pacific
Duration: 5 mins
No of observers: 10
Location: Mentor, OH, USA
Shape: Fireball
Characteristics: Lights on object
UFO sightling of a reddish orange fireball in Menor OH on July 4th 2010
The event occurred on July 4th 2010 at approximately 22:15 hours during a fireworks show in Mentor Ohio near Mentor High School. There was one object that was a reddish orange looking fireball that glowed constantly. The UFO looked about the size off a basketball. The object seemed to float from SW to NE and was traveling directly over head. The time span of this event was approximately 5 mins. Then the UFO just vanished in thin air. All the spectators in our area saw the UFO. There was roughly 10 people who were commenting aloud about what they all saw.
Posted 2010-07-10
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