NUFORC UFO Sighting 76271

Occurred: 2010-07-04 23:30 Local
Reported: 2010-07-07 16:34 Pacific
Duration: 5 mins
No of observers: 2

Location: Cortland, NY, USA

Shape: Fireball
Characteristics: Lights on object

3 redish orange lights seen over central ny traveling south east direction

It was july 4th evening appox 10pm. I had been invited to my friends new home for a few drinks and some food. There were seven people there in total. We were sitting on the back porch enjoying the nice night. At approx. 11:30pm I noticed two redish orange lights off in the distance to the north of our location headed in a south east direction. Im not positive on their elevation but they were as low as a small prop plane would fly. The two lights were flying side by side at first. One of the objects seemed to speed up ahead of the other. It slowed down just in front of the other then continued in this formation till they were out of my line of sight. I told the others to "look at those lights!" My friend scott looked but blew it off as nothing. Then as has happened to me before everyone commented on how i was seeing things. But i know scott saw the same thing i did. Again, at approx. 11:45 pm a second redish orange light at the same elevation and heading in the same direction as the previous two objects came into sight. This one was moving slowly at first but seemed to gain speed as it traveled. This one was by itself. It traveled in a south east direction and like the other two disappeared out of my sight behind a tree line. I did not mention this object to my friends due to the fact that they refuse to believe even the things they see i guess. I am aware that it was the fouth of july and people were using fireworks all over the country that day but this was NOT fireworks. Im reporting this because i read that there were many other reports of the same thing. And i wanted to share my sighting as well.

Posted 2010-07-10

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