NUFORC Sighting 7627

Occurred: 1997-09-23 20:00 Local - Approximate
Reported: 1999-01-03 00:00 Pacific
Duration: 30 seconds
No of observers: 2

Location: Rhinebeck (south of), NY, USA

Shape: Triangle
Characteristics: Lights on object

2 sightings of apparently the same triangular object, moving above tree level at a very slow rate of speed with only a dull hum

My boss and I were working late painting the interior of a house. I stepped outside for a cigarette and heard a strange dull humming. For a second I thought it might have been the sub pump in the basement kicking on, but then I realized the sound was coming from above the trees. I looked up and thought I saw a large commercial aircraft (at least the size of a 737) in trouble (because it was so low). Then I realized I should have heard much more noise than I did, and that it seemed to be moving below "stall speed" for a craft this size. It looked like a equilateral triangle with three white lights at each acute angle. I watched it glide overhead and leave. About an hour and a half later, when my boss and I went to get in his car and leave, I heard the noise again. He asked me, "what the hell is that" and just like in a bad alien flick I said, "they're back!" Whoever "they" were, I don't know. But the object passed right over our heads, which I guessed was only 120 ft. in the air. It looked like a solid black or dark triangle. Another unsubstantiated sighting (or a folie a deux) to some, a mind-bender for me and my boss.

Posted 1999-05-24

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