NUFORC UFO Sighting 76260

Occurred: 2010-07-02 20:50 Local
Reported: 2010-07-07 13:38 Pacific
Duration: 1 minute approx

Location: Holyoke, MA, USA

Shape: Formation

3 orange lights in triad formation, Holyoke, Mass, July 2, 2010

Friday, July 2, 2010 approximately 8:50 pm - driving South on Route 91 through the Holyoke, MA area. The sky was partly cloudy, the sun was down, but the sky was still light.

This section of highway looks down over Holyoke to the left. Westover Air Reserve base rotating beacon is easily seen on the left.

I noticed 3 orange lights to the right of the highway in a triangular formation. They appeared to be independent - (not connected to one another). They were to my right and forward of my position. They were roughly 600’ high and clearly visible. There are several airfields in this area, so at first I thought little of the lights - but the color was a distinctly different orange color, very different from any surrounding lights in the area. They were about as bright as a small plane's landing light. There were no aircraft strobes, tail beacon, or nav lights.

All 3 lights were approximately the same distance apart, with 2 in front, and 1 in the rear. They appeared to be moving together very slowly in a north, north east direction - very smoothly. My view became obscured momentarily due to a line of trees on the right side of the highway. Once past the tree line and the lights were back in view, the rear light appeared to just go out. I fully expected to see some kind of craft (airplane, balloon, etc.) where the rear light had been, but there was nothing. I then lost sight of them since I had past them by then. The sighting was approximately 1 minute.

It was only the odd color of the lights, and the numerous reports from the 4th of July weekend that prompted me to submit a report.


Witness elects to remain totally anonymous; provides no contact information. PD

Posted 2010-07-10

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