NUFORC UFO Sighting 76258
Occurred: 2010-07-04 23:00 LocalReported: 2010-07-07 12:58 Pacific
Duration: 10 min
No of observers: 14
Location: Streamwood, IL, USA
Shape: Unknown
Characteristics: Lights on object
Group of 14 see three seperate UFO'S over Streamwood, Ill
On the 4th of July myself and a group of neighbors (14) total saw three separate objects fly overhead. The first object appeared from the s by sw going east by Ne. Elevation 2-3K feet up airspeed 300-400 MPH. It was red/orange in color with some white light apparent on top. It lit the clouds up as it passed. Flew on a straight line, no sound at all. As I first saw it made me think of a flying burning car. It had a rectangular shape as it crossed my view. But all of them appeared to be more round then anything.
I called the police and asked if anyone else was reporting what we just had seen and was told no.
About 2-3 mins later the second came in a bit more east then the first. Looked like the same craft. I thought it had turned around- It followed the path of the first on. IE it turned a bit to do it. Again i called the police and was told no one else was reporting it. They sent out a officer about 7-10 mins later.
While waiting the third appeared this one much more eastward then the previous two. It looked identical to the other two. Again it turned and followed the other twos path. I did whip out my blackberry and start shooting. Got four shots one bright. the other three show it getting smaller as it went away. Time between pictures was 5-6 seconds so it was moving rather quickly.
People in surrounding suburbs described the same thing.
These were not lanterns or fireworks flying by. It was weird how you could see the clouds directly above these crafts.
Posted 2010-07-10
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