NUFORC UFO Sighting 76257

Occurred: 2010-07-04 22:00 Local
Reported: 2010-07-07 12:35 Pacific
Duration: 1 min
No of observers: 7

Location: Bothell, WA, USA

Shape: Orb

Two smoothly gliding, glowing orange orbs over Bothell, WA, with photograph. Animated movie from prior sighting of 1997.

We call this event "The July Orb" because we have witnessed this twice before, all in July.

The event this year, 2010, was over Bothell, WA. An orange, glowing orb silently and smoothly cruised from North to South in the same way a satellite would move, but was only as high up as a helicopter would fly. Myself, two other adults and two children also saw it.

My camera was at the ready to photograph our fireworks and to pause light in the sky, and I was able to take a photograph! The camera zoom is a 12x. While the photo shows a tail, this is only due to the shutter being open as the orb moved. The falling tail in the photo is due to me trying to find it to focus. Perhaps someone can figure out the size of this orb and it's speed based on these details! Our neighbor came by and as I showed him the picture and explained what we saw he asked "Do you mean like THAT!?" Pointing up, there was the same thing, moving in the same direction.

HISTORY Event 1: I first saw this same orb over Bothell WA, July 1997, and called Mr. Davenport to report it. I was so amazed that I created an animated version because it was hard for others to believe there was no other way to describe it other than a mystery object. It also moved North to South, slowing and silently gliding. However, the object was closer than the described 2010 event as I could see it pass behind trees in front of me.

Event 2: July 2009, Couer D'Alene Idaho, 11 or 12 pm. My husband and my sister witnessed this same orb while sitting on the dock (south and west end of the lake). However, it raised vertically from behind a home on the same cove about 6 or 7 houses south, or the trees behind it. It glided silently and smoothly up, then past them and over the lake and then just disappeared. The next day they went door to door hoping others had seen this, but no one had.

Posted 2010-07-10

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