NUFORC UFO Sighting 76239
Occurred: 2010-07-04 22:15 LocalReported: 2010-07-07 08:14 Pacific
Duration: 3 minutes
No of observers: 20
Location: Ipswich, SD, USA
Shape: Light
Orange light moving slowly without sound over Ipswich, SD
We had begun shooting off a few fireworks at about 21:30. There were nearly 20 of us present including several children under the age of 10. At 22:15 one of us noticed an orange light in the sky almost directly to the east of us maybe a few miles away. The light was moving above the tree line but quite a bit lower than an airplane. There was absolutely no sound at all with the light. It moved slowly towards us then veered slightly to the south and disappeared.
Posted 2010-07-10
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