NUFORC UFO Sighting 76222
Occurred: 2010-07-03 21:00 LocalReported: 2010-07-07 00:47 Pacific
Duration: 20 mins.
No of observers: 3
Location: Eddyville, KY, USA
Shape: Orb
Orb shaped light, steady orange/yellow color, 250+- ft. high, steady speed hoz-hoz, UFO to witnesses.
My son, my daughter, and I were watching a public fireworks display on the 3rd of July, (2010 of course) at apx. 9:PM, on Eddycreek Bay, in Lyon County, Kentucky, when we observed a ball of light passing overhead.
The light was not connected to the fireworks show in any way. The distance between the show and the orb was at least ½ mile when we spotted it. (Judged buy the distance across the bay.)
After the first light passed into the tree line, completely opposite direction of the show, another orb of light came from the horizon behind the fireworks. It also passed in the opposite direction of the display.
Then on July 6th, at apx. 11:PM, my daughter and I saw the same type of light while sitting on our porch; apx. 5-7 miles from the area of the fireworks show on the 3rd.
All three orbs were deep yellow to orange in color. Their luminosity was steady, no pulsation, no fireball or comet-tail appearance.
They passed at about the speed of an ultralite, from one horizon to the other.
I’m judging their height above the ground to be roughly the altitude a search plane might fly. They definitely did not fly as high as a passenger plane.
None of us could hear a sound coming from it.
All three orbs appeared to be about the size of a pea, held at arms length. So what size that might be, relative to their apparent distance, someone with a degree in the sciences will have to calculate; I am not well educated in that area.
Posted 2010-07-10
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