NUFORC UFO Sighting 76201
Occurred: 2010-07-04 20:50 LocalReported: 2010-07-06 18:38 Pacific
Duration: 2 hours
No of observers: 2
Location: Huntsville, AL, USA
Shape: Other
Characteristics: Aura or haze around object
Large orbs moving at a steady altitude and velocity
We witnessed a total of four occurrences of visitor activity on the 4th of July 2010 in the Lake Forest Subdivision of Huntsville Alabama.
At 8:50 PM we saw a single large reddish orange glowing orb coming from the south moving slowing northward; it was very low, maybe 250 to 300' above the rooftops. There was absolutely no sound being emitted from the illuminating sphere. We watched it for about 5-10 minutes as it passed over our neighborhood and then got into our car and drove to the gas station at the corner of Martin and Zerdt roads. We could see fireworks off in the distance so we sat in the car for about 15 minutes and watched.
As we drove home heading west on Martin Road, we saw a formation of 3 glowing orbs. This time I really thought, hey these things are extraterrestrial and I want to make sure there not hot air balloons or helicopters. So we slowed down to almost a complete stop, rolled down the windows to see if we could hear helicopter blades, but there was no sound at all. And they were not hot air balloons.
We had traffic behind us, so we had to move on and we are not sure where they went, but assume they continued to move northward as did the first one. We were sitting outside and then around 10 pm we saw one more solitary glowing orb, but at a higher altitude than the others and this one was either blinking, or something behind it was blinking and we watched it move northward as well, then the dog barked, we looked away and when we looked up again it had disappeared.
Then about 15 minutes later my boyfriend said, look at that satellite. And I said, where? Then I exclaimed, Wow, did you see that? He said I sure did, wow! We saw four distinct bright lights that looked like stars that were in a cluster which was kind of vibrating and then they formed into a line and just zip off into space on at a time very quickly. It made warp speed seem slow, they just zipped up and off into space and where gone! in an instant.
Neither of us had ever witnessed anything like this before. We believe that since the orbs were so slow moving and close to the ground there must have been a number of others who saw the same thing on that clear 4th of July night in Huntsville, Alabama.
For the skeptics, I looked up sky lanterns and balloons on-line and just wanted to let you know that there was no way the first one or the second set of three that we saw were in any way sky lanterns. These illuminating things were huge. They moved steadily and with a purpose. Not anything similar to a sky lantern and we were close enough to tell that they were not hot air balloons.
My boyfriend thinks they were as large as a VW bug and my estimate is a bit larger. They did not flicker and produced an energy glow that was supernatural.
This is the first time I have ever looked at a ufo site and ever posted any such thing.
We are both of sound mind and we were not under the influence that night.
I'd like to know if anyone else has seen large orbs so closely?
Posted 2010-07-10
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