NUFORC UFO Sighting 76004
Occurred: 2010-06-28 21:35 LocalReported: 2010-06-28 21:14 Pacific
Duration: 30 minutes
No of observers: 32
Location: Houston, TX, USA
Shape: Changing
Characteristics: Lights on object, Aura or haze around object, Emitted beams, Changed Colo
ufo sighting in houston,texas
Around 9:35,a group of us witnessed a ufo in the sky,at altitude,in the west. It appeared to be at about 3500 feet altitude, and was a very bright bluish-white light,changing occassionally to a flashing orange,then back to bluish white.It was not moving,but hovering,for most of the time we were watching it. There appeared to be beams emitting from the craft every three minutes or so. It appeared spherical at first,orb-shaped,but then would morph into a diamond shape,and the bluish-white light would pulsate.It changed from spherical to diamond shaped about four times during this period. Finally,it gained altitude and moved south,towards the coast.this was seen by myself and many others.
Posted 2010-07-06
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