NUFORC UFO Sighting 75986
Occurred: 1998-04-15 20:30 Local - ApproximateReported: 2010-06-27 21:02 Pacific
Duration: 20 seconds
No of observers: 1
Location: Hartsgrove, OH, USA
Shape: Disk
Characteristics: Lights on object
Large disc shaped aircraft producing intense volumes of buzzing noises that for some reason I could only hear is what I saw in the sky
Warning: Memory of the following sighting involving the actual date was hard to remember, but the actual occurence was beyond memorable.
(Accuracy of the year of occurance is exceptional) It was during the evening at around 8:30. My family lives in a small house with 3 bedrooms. I was in the southwestern room (a large room where me and my three older brothers slept) watching Seinfeld on a colorless antennae T.V.
The rest of my family(my Biological parents, two sisters and four brothers) was in the family watching T.V. and playing Monopoly amongst themselves.
I heard a buzzing noise which was easily discernable in the sky. I had no sense of direction of where it was coming from.
The noise grew and grew in decibels until my ears hurt worse than they ever have(born with a better than average sense of hearing).
I collected myself and lookEd out my bedroom window which faced West. What happened next I'll never forget! A circular pattern of lights flew over the trees(about 8 total).
The noise and velocity violently shook the trees on our property to such a degree it was like a bomb went off.
A noise like that would've been heard for miles! Suprisingly, the story gets stranger yet remains the truth of what I witnessed.
I went out into our living room to talk to my family about what I just witnessed.
They told me they didn't hear anything and that I just had a wild imagination.
I can only confess how badly I would love to find out what I had seen that night, and that I have never seen an Aircraft like that.
I would also like to add that I have seen many kinds of military cargo planes fly directly over our property going South over the years since the sighting.
Witness indicates that the date of the event is approximate. PD
Posted 2010-07-06
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