NUFORC UFO Sighting 75971
Occurred: 2010-06-25 00:00 LocalReported: 2010-06-27 10:33 Pacific
No of observers: 2
Location: Sissonville, WV, USA
Shape: Fireball
Characteristics: Lights on object, Emitted beams, Changed Color, Landed, Electrical or magnetic effects
It was a big ball of light that lit the sky.
At midnight I was leaving my girlfriends, and as I was walking down the road it was quite no cars were seen, my friend and I saw a big ball of light jet out of the sky. Then in seconds it slowed down, and landing into the woods shooting beams through the branches of trees.
As I ran over to see where it went, everything went dark again. I noticed problems with my friend and my cellular device dis functioned. So I set on my porch for 30 to 45 mins to see if anything else would occur and nothing had happened. All of this occurred in Sissonville WV.
Posted 2010-07-06
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