NUFORC UFO Sighting 75922
Occurred: 2010-06-24 23:42 LocalReported: 2010-06-24 21:15 Pacific
Duration: 5 seconds
No of observers: 1
Location: Johns Island, SC, USA
Shape: Light
UFO sighting then fades away slowly over Johns Island
This craft, from my vantage point, was right off the right side of the Big Dipper. It looked like a star. It started moving east and away from the brightest bottom star of the Dipper.
After traveling slowly away from the dipper, it turned it's light off. It disappeared. It seemed as though it hit its own dimmer switch as the light faded from it gradually. It didn't just blink off. Which makes me wonder, if they wanted to be covert, why shine like a star in the first place if not to gain attention???
BTW: This is my second sighting in a week!! ! I must be the luckiest guy alive! Glad it didn't stop at my place!
No Iridium satellites visible from this location, on the date, and at the time, indicated. ISS was visible in the northwestern sky, but at 23:14 hrs. PD
Posted 2010-07-06
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