NUFORC UFO Sighting 7573

Occurred: 1996-07-15 23:02 Local
Reported: 1998-06-06 00:00 Pacific
Duration: 8 seconds
No of observers: 1

Location: Eau Claire, WI, USA

Shape: Unknown
Characteristics: Lights on object

Aircraft of unknown shape with four orange non-blinking lights silently flew towards the west around 600 or 700 ft. above my neighbor and I.

On Monday, the night of July 15, 1996, at about 11:02 central time, I witnessed an unidentified object heading due west which I could not explain. I was out with my neighbor looking at the sky that night(it was perfectly clear with no clouds) and I was looking off to the east when my neighbor called to my attention an object flying silently over us heading east. He said he saw it when it was at mid-sky and from then on we both saw it head west. We could not make out any shape, but it had four distinct, orange lights that made a diamond shape. The way the lights were positioned and the fact that none of them were blinking made me want to rule out the fact that it might be an airplane, because to my knowledge, I don’t know of any planes that don’t have blinking beacon lights on the tail, wing, or somewhere. The lights were of an orange color and didn’t move, blink, or change color the whole time the craft passed over(it took about 8 seconds for it to get from mid-sky to over the tree tops where we couldn’t see it). The craft flew silently over us, and we could here no noise what so ever. The object made no noise; so, if it would have been a small airplane, much less a jet, we would have surely heard it, because it was not very high up.(between 600 and 700 ft.) After we watched it pass over, I ran in the house to tell my brother(who, unfortunately had gonet in the house ten minutes earlier) what we had saw. He was disappointed and we both went outside again. Once we were out, my neighbor told me he had seen another one, in the same position and place, and heading in the same direction. I’m not sure whether or not he actually did see another one(or the same one again), but I do know what I saw, and I’ll bet money it wasn’t an airplane.

Posted 1999-05-24

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