NUFORC UFO Sighting 75722
Occurred: 2010-06-07 00:00 LocalReported: 2010-06-08 07:29 Pacific
Duration: 25 min.
No of observers: 2
Location: Moberly, MO, USA
Shape: Changing
Characteristics: Lights on object, Emitted other objects, Changed Colo
I have noticed a very bright twinkling light several nites in a row and it will appear in the west sky around 10:30PM and around 11:00PM will disappear. I wrote it off as a satalite or planet. Last night I was on my second story deck facing the west and just above the tree line I saw a shape with bright red, green, blue lights that seemed to move very slowly while changing the shape of the object. It seemed to be not moving...I called my dogs in and could hear no sound of aircraft at all. All was quiet. I then went into the bedroom and watched out of the west window and got my husband up to see what he thought and he said he had not seen anything like that and it was moving but very slowly. I con't to watch and could see flashes of white lights seeming to come away and to the object the white lights almost looked like shooting stars. It took about 25 mins. for the object to move northwest and below the tree line and out of sight. In my observing the ! object the lights didn't dim, they stayed very bright red, green and blue and would change in position to change the shape of the object. This is not the first time I have seen strange lights to the west above the tree line but the first time to see the lights so bright and different colors. I also observed an airplane flying and looking like it was going right to it and then dipped down and flew under the object. I tried to take pictures but my camera is not a strong enough lense to get a clear one.
Venus. PD
Posted 2010-06-10
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