NUFORC UFO Sighting 75703
Occurred: 2010-06-05 05:45 LocalReported: 2010-06-06 23:49 Pacific
Duration: 3 minutes
No of observers: 2
Location: Australia, , Australia
Shape: Changing
Characteristics: Aura or haze around object, Aircraft nearby
circular shape with rings descending from the stars, Rings then changed to triangular shape.
My husband observed a circular shape with rings descending from the stars, he came inside and woke me. We then proceeded out to the rear of our house where I saw the circular shape with rings travel over our house, we followed it to the front of house, it then traveled past & behind the neighbors house's. The rings then changed to what could be described as triangular shapes protruding from the sides of the circle. The circular shape then "flew" upwards where we lost sight of it. Please note that the rings/triangles where surrounded by a fog.
Approximately 1 - 2 minutes later we then observed an aeroplane flying from a different direction. This was obvious from the shape and the wing lights, we therefore dispute any person/s or organizations trying to state that it was an airplane. We do not believe it was the so called rocket as stated in the news later that day.
Witness elects to remain totally anonymous; provides no contact information. PD
Posted 2010-06-10
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