NUFORC UFO Sighting 75691

Occurred: 1973-10-21 14:30 Local
Reported: 2010-06-06 15:05 Pacific
Duration: 5 mins.
No of observers: 1

Location: Federalsburg, MD, USA

Shape: Disk

Saucer spotted in Federalsburg MD

I never taken the time to report this sightings until now. It was October 21, 1973 at 2:30 in the afternoon. I was 14 than and working on by bike behind the house when I heard a whinning high pitch sound that caught my attention. Leaving on a few miles from the local grocery store and the fan fan on top of their roof occasaionally make this sound also. Realizing that it wasn't coming from the direction of the grocery store I walked out from behind the house and looked skyward. There it was hoovering in the sky in a Northwest direction. It was about 3 miles away. After spotting this object I ran in the house going through the kitchen yelling flying saucer. I noticed the time on the clock that was hanging on hte wall above the kitchen sink. I ran arounf the dinning room table to my mother's china closet and I grabed my mother's bincoluar's and ran back outside to get a better view. With the bincoular's up to my eyes I could see that it was saucer shape with a dome on top and a dome underneath slightly smaller than what was on top. I could also see port holes going around the saucer just below the top dome. It was silver metalliac in color and hoovering in the sky. At that moment I could feel the air stand up on my body. I think because I got such a good view of this object and knowing it wasn't of this earth. As I stood there watching this saucer it started moving away from me heading North West.

Posted 2010-06-10

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