NUFORC UFO Sighting 753

Occurred: 1995-08-25 00:40 Local
Reported: 1995-08-24 00:00 Pacific
Duration: 10 sec.

Location: Adamsville, PA, USA


Telephoned Report:

Mother, daughter, friend witness huge, lighted ball streak overhead. "Turned whole sky blue." Flew N to S. Size of full moon. Sighting lasted only 5-10 seconds. One of many reports to NUFORC on this time and date.

Multiple reports of apparently the same object over Ontario, Canada, which was photographed by a television news team east of Windsor. Very dramatic event.


We spoke with the daughter via telephone, and she sounded very credible to us. She reported that the event was quite dramatic. Moreover, as it passed overhead, the group of witnesses hear a sudden, muted sound, which the witnessed characterized as sounding like "B-I-N-G." PD

Posted 1999-11-02

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