NUFORC UFO Sighting 75118
Occurred: 2005-06-30 00:00 Local - ApproximateReported: 2010-04-19 11:50 Pacific
Duration: 10 MINUTES
No of observers: 2
Location: Johnston, RI, USA
Shape: Triangle
Characteristics: Lights on object, Changed Color, Landed
As my friend and I were driving home late one night, I was staring out at the window gazing at the stars when I noticed one particular one that was much brighter than the others. I remember saying to myself "Wow, thats a bright star".
Then we both noticed how much bigger and brighter was becoming and within seconds it was right over our head and hovering above a corn field we were driving by. It was a black triangle. It was rather small and moved so quickly. I remember it head green to red lights glowing around it...and as we turned onto the street it was lowering itself onto, we pulled up close enough to listen to it...but there was no noise whatsoever.
Right when I began to open my door to get a closer look it flew straight up and away as fast as it came. I was scared. I screamed.
Date in 2005 is approximate. We are unconvinced that this is a serious-minded report. PD
Posted 2010-05-12
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