NUFORC UFO Sighting 75074

Occurred: 1972-10-15 08:30 Local - Approximate
Reported: 2010-04-16 01:37 Pacific
Duration: seconds
No of observers: 1

Location: Toronto (Canada), ON, Canada

Shape: Oval

observed tarnished, oval shaped object with black symbols on side travelling south at a steady speed towards Lake Ontario

This sighting happened in Toronto, Ont. in the early 1970's. I was a teenager walking to school and for some unknown reason looked up into the sky infront of me towards the east. I saw an oval shaped UFO above the tree line, travelling at a steady speed going from north to south towards Lake Ontario. It was following the street ahead of me that was in the direction of north to south.

The UFO was the color of tarnished silver and dented like a golf ball (but not as many dents).There was no lights or sound to it.

The odd thing about this object was that there was a strip of black symbols on the mid front half portion on the facing side of it. I tried to read them but couldn't because they were not actual letter.


Witness indicates that date is approximate. PD

Posted 2010-05-12

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