NUFORC UFO Sighting 75050

Occurred: 2008-09-06 03:30 Local
Reported: 2010-04-16 01:35 Pacific
Duration: 10 Min +
No of observers: 1

Location: Las Vegas, NV, USA

Shape: Light
Characteristics: Lights on object, Changed Color, Aircraft nearby

Four lights climb and pace commercial airline flight.

Private Pilot ground observation. Lake Mead Recreation Area About 8-10 miles East of Hollywood Blvd on Lake Mead Blvd.

United Airlines/US Air 757,767, or Airbus, with Blue underside (body and engines), had departed McCarran IAP (3:15) Aprox. time 270 (west) making slow climbing 180 turn to 90 (east).

I have been observing similar lights over the last two years in this area. The lights have the ability to emulate small aircraft navigation/strobe lights (green/white and red). When they are no longer visable from cockpit crews the lights return to their normal blury red/white strobe pattern. I have never observed these lights mess with any commercial or conventional aircraft.

The commercial flight is climbing out of Aprox. 17,500 AGL 90 degree heading East over Lake Mead and Est. airspeed at 275-325 knots. The four lights are 1000-1500 feet apart two lead center with wing men trailing outside and Aprox. 500 AGL over Lake Mead. The four lights have returned to red/white light pattern as the commercial flight passed overhead. The Pilot/First officer probably requested a verification from Nellis AFB if they were painting any other aircraft in the area.

Whatever the communication, the four lights went from their position and elevation to the commercial flights elevation/airspeed/position in Aprox. 3-5 seconds and climbed out with them. One lead light 500 meters off Captain's left window, second lead light 1000 meters off Co-pilots right window with the wing men lights 1000 meters from leaders and off commercial flights wing tips.

Whatever the circumstance it would be safe to say these two pilots probably needed to change their shorts.

This happened between 3:30-3:40 AM.

End of Report.


Source of report provides little contact information. We would like to speak with this party. PD

Posted 2010-05-12

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