NUFORC UFO Sighting 74395
Occurred: 2010-02-04 15:00 LocalReported: 2010-02-16 03:41 Pacific
Duration: 5 seconds
No of observers: 0
Location: Nicolosi, Sicily (Italy; Mt. Etna), TN, Italy
Characteristics: Lights on object
Posess surprise daytime image of huge triangle
February 16, 2010, I along with my father viewed an enormous triangle on a July/August evening of 1968 or perhaps 1969 in central Michigan. The sighting was 5-7 minutes long.
We stopped my father’s pick up truck, got out and viewed this massive triangle with a light in each corner. The front light was huge and lit up the night, though it was as if a spotlight illuminated the ground below. The other two lights were not as bright. It was quiet, slow and defied what we knew of how planes fly. My father is now 85. A WWII vet and I am 55.
We told only family at the time as it was and remains quite puzzling.
Fast forward. I am a contractor of sorts indirectly for the DOD. I was going up to the ski lodge on Mt. Etna to take a few photographs. It was a beautiful day with perfectly clear skies. I took some photographs from my car going up, a few times I pulled over to take the pictures. I did not notice the image I captured having the triangle in it when I took it. I simply took a picture from about 6000 feet of the summit. When I viewed the taken image on the viewfinder, I saw it immediately, but thought of it as an orb. When downloaded, it reveals what you see. I know it appears to be invisible, but a daytime photo of this craft does not exist that I am aware of. Also, the front light is large and square edged, and there seems to be a circle of impulses near that large light. It is a remarkable camera and I am a professional. What do you think?
Posted 2010-04-13
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