NUFORC Sighting 74382

Occurred: 2001-09-10 19:00 Local
Reported: 2010-02-15 00:51 Pacific
Duration: 5 Seconds
No of observers: 1

Location: Austin, TX, USA

Shape: Triangle
Characteristics: Lights on object

UFO Sighting in Austin, TX, over UT/Capital Night Before 9/11

I have kept this a secret for many years because I never knew what to do with the information. I always thought the experience was awe inspiring and that the timing of the event was extremely coincidental. But in retrospect, after flipping backwards through my journal, ANY EVENT BEFORE 9-11 is significant. I have searched for others' reports of UFO activity on 9-10 but have found none, and therefore find it useful to finally let this information out for the universe to chew on.

Here is my journal entry:

"Monday 10 - Nighttime...walking back from Starbucks, I see a trapazoid shaped object flying through the sky...underneath this object were [many] faint lights...about 600-900ft off ground."

Context: I was an engineering student at the University of Texas at the time and was walking back to my dorm at the time. I was standing right outside the University Coop on Guadalupe St., looking up above the UT Tower. I was waiting at the crosswalk and had nothing better to do other than look up, when suddenly, I noticed these lights traveling at great speed. At first I thought I was seeing birds illuminated by the UT Tower, but then birds don't travel that high, that smoothly, that quickly.

The object was flying southbound passing nearly above the UT Tower, traveling towards the Texas Congressional building. Now I'm no expert, but I would assume that any area above UT/Texas Congress would be restricted, a no-fly zone. My memory may be hazy here but I would say it traveled about a mile in 5 seconds. That's roughly 720 mi/hr. I only say a mile because that's what I would estimate a normal person can see at night looking up.

Posted 2010-04-13

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