NUFORC UFO Sighting 73718

Occurred: 1992-06-06 05:00 Local - Approximate
Reported: 2009-12-17 15:21 Pacific
Duration: 1 Minute

Location: Tabriz (Iran), , Iran

Shape: Circle
Characteristics: Lights on object

The Circle Object With Lights Around It Was Moving Gently In The Sky

i was researching in the internet by my cell and saw your website and wanted to report you somthing that i allways wanted to say it to somone, it goes back to my childhood that i dont remember exactlly the time but about 18 years ago when i was 12.

the time was about i guess 5 or 6 am that sun didnt came on and every where was dark, my mother and i went out to buy breads, because that period of time in tabriz city of iran, bakeries were very bussy, because of that we went to bakery very soon at dark to buy early.

we were on the way to the bakery between shohada street and yousef abad street in abbasi of tabriz that i saw a circle shaped thing on the sky with lights around it, it was just 1 and moving from one site to another like airplane but very gently, it wasnt far from ground like airplane, the destance from that to ground was like a bird was flying in sky, i didnt tell my mom about it thats because i thought that it is normal and it was a plane but didnt know it was a UFO, believe that i saw UFO and now i remember clearly that it was circle with lights around it.


Witness indicates that date is approximate. PD

Posted 2010-02-14

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