NUFORC Sighting 73698

Occurred: 2009-09-28 20:05 Local
Reported: 2009-12-15 19:57 Pacific
Duration: 3 minutes
No of observers: 3

Location: Fort Lauderdale, FL, USA

Shape: Sphere
Characteristics: Lights on object

Crystal sphere no sound over Fort Lauderdale and Miami Airport

It was 8.05 PM September 28 2009 when i was outside with my friend next house sitting and smoking when my friend told me look this plane it s not suppose to pass this way.cause we are just by the airport and the runaway go to est-west and no airplane can cross north south or south north it s forbidden.

This with light was very bright all around and under not just on the front.It was looking like a big ball of Crystal We noticed it was moving from NW sky heading SE. It was moving at a steady speed and past just over the Fort Lauderdale airport and crossing the runaway at maybe around 4 or 5000 feet in a steady slow speed (maybe 100Mph.)the size of the object was almost about half size of a regular commercial air line plane.

No noise no green light no red light no withe strobe.

Something strange there s normally always many airplanes around that we can see but during all the time about 3 minutes that this object was passing there was no airplane around son after this object reach this ocean we can see many airplane come back around again.

It was like if they were advise to not come around during the object was passing.

Thanks for reading.

Jack scott Here a copy of somebody who saw the same thing of me 10 minutes after over the Miami airport.

At approximately 8:15PM on 9/28/09 I walked out and as usual I looked up into the evening sky.

I observed a very bright light in the northeastern sky moving in a southerly direction. What made this unusual was the fact of how bright the light was. My first impression that is was an aircraft, since I live about 6 miles from the Miami International Airport. The best description of intensity of the light that I can describe is that of Venus in the night sky.

As I looked at it more closely, I could see no navigational markers (red, green or flashing strobe) visible. During the duration of the sighting I heard no noise from the object.

The speed of the object was that of a jet flying at altitude, but the altitude was much lower, maybe 10000 ft (but that is just a guess since it was difficult to determine since it was dark).

Living as close to the airport as I do, I am familiar with the flight patterns of aircraft. This object appeared to fly directly over Miami International Airport which is unusual again based on the objects apparent altitude. Another oddity observed was during the sighting no aircraft were visible either landing or taking off.

The object continued on its southerly course and made a turn to the east. Even when it made its turn the intensity of the light remained constant. IF it had been an aircraft I would have noticed its national markers. One other note was as I watched it make its easterly turn; I noticed an aircraft to the southeast and its navigational beacons where quite visible.

Once it made its turn, I moved to follow the object but lost it between tress and other houses.

Posted 2010-02-14

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