NUFORC UFO Sighting 72756
Occurred: 2009-10-07 18:40 LocalReported: 2009-10-07 09:31 Pacific
Duration: 3 mins
No of observers: 1
Location: Port Louis (Mauritius), , Mauritius
Shape: Light
Characteristics: Aura or haze around object
A flying orange light at dusk moving southwards. It stopped for a while before moving up and disappeared in the pale blue dusk sky.
I’m reporting from Mauritius. I was driving back home from work. The sky was clear except for few passing isolated clouds. It was almost dusk. While driving I saw an unusually orange light. The time was 18:40 and it was not completely dark. The intensity of the light, its color, its size (too big to be a commercial airplane) were the reasons that attracted my attention.
I slowed the car and continued to follow the light while driving. It was flying to the south and seemed to be growing bigger. At that moment I thought that it must be a commercial plane or a helicopter but still the shape, color, size and intensity of this orange light puzzled me. I stopped the car as I wanted to see the shape of this unusual aircraft as it was almost flying above me by then. But despite the proximity it was with me I could not distinguish any shape behind the light. I would estimate the height of the object at that moment to be about 700m high.
At that moment the flying object stopped, which made me believe that it was a helicopter but again strangely I could not see the shape not hear the sound of a helicopter. The flying object then began to move slowly upwards and then started to climb at a higher speed. It finally disappeared without any noticeable sound in the now pale blue sky within 3-4 seconds after starting to move up.
Posted 2009-12-12
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