NUFORC UFO Sighting 72106
Occurred: 2009-09-05 20:45 LocalReported: 2009-09-06 10:19 Pacific
Duration: 90 sec
No of observers: 4
Location: Harrison Twp., MI, USA
Shape: Circle
Characteristics: Aura or haze around object
Low flying unidentifiable orange object with orange haze
Unidentifiable low flying object observations 2009, sept 05 at approx. 8:45 PM (+/- 20 min.) Notes and graphic representation by Mark XXXXXXX Observed by Mark XXXXXXX and Sam XXXXXXX, as we were standing outside on the third floor balconies of our adjacent apartments. Later confirmed by Terri XXXXXXX and Terry XXXXXXX after they had walked home up the adjacent street to our apartment.
Location: 36000 Jefferson, Harrison Township, MI Weather conditions: Mostly clear sky with very lightly scattered clouds, not yet completely dark, full moon, about a 5 mph breeze, temperature about 65 F.
Flight path: Based on the Google Earth grid line overlay, the object most like ly was moving in a East – Northeast direction. Approximate sighting start and end points are N42.5565/W82.840 and N42.5560/W82.8510, respectively. Observation point was N42.5610/W82.8470. The objects height was about 1500 ft., plus or minus 500 ft. See the Google map below.
The object first appeared low on the horizon, over Lake St. Clair, coming towards me. It appeared to be a helicopter based on its speed and height. I could not see an aircraft, only a bright light which attracted my attention. The light emitted from the object was not bright enough to be a search light, such as those frequently seen in this area due the boaters on the lake and the nearby international border. Yet, the light was much brighter than an aircraft’s navigation lights, and not red or green, but orange-white, similar to a flare. See graphic representation no. 1.
As the object became closer, I expected to hear the sound of an aircraft, but there was none. The light became more orange, larger, and less bright. Sam, standing about 20 ft apart from me on his balcony said this was the second such object he had seen this night, the first going in the same direction, but much higher.
I stepped just inside and grabbed a pair of binoculars that I use daily to observe happenings on the lake. Looking through these at the object, I could see the center of the object was bright orange, surrounded by a dark ring, which in turn was surrounded by a dimmer orange haze. These binoculars were in good condition and fairly clean, they never before produced a haze around a light source. The binoculars may not have been properly focused, which could have made the object appear to have a haze around it, but that would not explain the clearly defined dark ring around the bright center of the object. See graphic representation no. 2.
I watched this object with these binoculars as it moved over us for about 30 seconds. It began to slowly fade out. The object did not appear to ascend, nor change size. The objects speed did not change. The object did not approach any cloud, as I checked for this condition as I was losing sight of it. It just grew dimmer until it could not be seen, first by Sam, who didn’t have binoculars, then about 10 seconds later, by me.
The total observation time was about 90 seconds
Posted 2009-12-12
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