NUFORC UFO Sighting 72097
Occurred: 2009-09-05 21:00 LocalReported: 2009-09-05 20:55 Pacific
Duration: 2 minutes times 2
No of observers: 4
Location: Riverside, IA, USA
Shape: Teardrop
Characteristics: Aura or haze around object
Two Slow Flying Fireballs Within Seven Minutes
At about 2100 hours on the night of September 5th, 2009, I was sitting outside with my wife in my backyard around a small fire. In the sky to the north I noticed what looked like a small orange to red fireball. This object moved toward the west at the rate of any normal passing airplane. I ran after the orange glowing object for about one city block, as it would pass behind trees and houses. Eventually it passed out of sight.
After I had returned to my house and sat back down for about five to seven minutes, I saw a second, identical object moving along the same course. I ran after this one as well, anticipating its course to get a better view. As it moved into view I thought that it looked almost like it could have been a balloon that was somehow on fire.
When I reached the top of the hill, the highest elevation in town, my view could only be obstructed by trees and the nearby church steeple. Two local acquaintances happened to be passing by on the sidewalk. I told them to look at the object. They could not identify it. The three of us watched the object as it flew away toward the west. Eventually, without altering course, the light of the object vanished and we could see nothing but stars in the western sky.
The weather was calm. There was absolutely no wind. The sky was completely clear. The moon was low in the eastern sky.
The object moved at the rate most any airplane would cross the sky, but the light from this aircraft was much larger than any of the small lights on normal planes. Also, the object made absolutely no engine noise. There was no sound at all.
Posted 2009-12-12
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