NUFORC UFO Sighting 72081

Occurred: 2009-09-03 22:00 Local
Reported: 2009-09-05 10:27 Pacific
Duration: 20 ses.
No of observers: 1

Location: S. Charleston, OH, USA

Shape: Changing
Characteristics: Lights on object, Changed Colo

Two identical triagnular craft that changed shape during observation

Sitting outside, perfectly clear visibility with unobstructed view, first heard a noise which was of a medium loug roaring, but not a definable jet engine sound! I was facing north east when over the top of the building I was sitting in front of one craft passed over and then a second at under 1000 ft, judging from their size. There was no discernible afterburner glow despite the sound. Then on the underside of the craft there were three distinguishable round lights on each of the three corners of them! Those lights were yellow, blue, green and unlike anything I have observed on any aircraft I have ever seen. They appeared to be about the size of fighters, but flowed very smoothly in a modified V formation with the first craft on point and the second one on its left wing or side. I could not see any wings and they sped out of sight doing a slow roll to the left! A few minutes later sitting there wondering about what happened so fast a conventional pro! p driven craft could be heard going east at a much higher altitude which made me wonder is there an airshow going on in Columbus for the Labor Day weekend? But, the two craft were not like anything I have ever seen. I would compare them to the picture taken in Waubena, Wisconsin several years ago of a similar craft photoed through the trees by someone with the same three lights on the underside, which seemed to ba about the same size and shape!

Posted 2009-12-12

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