NUFORC UFO Sighting 72040
Occurred: 2009-09-02 20:10 LocalReported: 2009-09-02 20:43 Pacific
Duration: 2 hours +
No of observers: 9
Location: Winnipeg (Canada), MB, Canada
Shape: Triangle
black triangle shape in the sky
Saw a flat black colored triangle shape in the sky to the West. Could not see any lights on it. First witnessed shape in the daylight as it was a very noticable black dot in the sky. We then viewed it with binoculars then looked at it through the telescope, we could then tell is was a triangle shape. It was just sitting in the sky and was not moving for over two hours and now at 10:24 pm it banked to the left and flew towards the South at a very fast speed.
Posted 2009-12-12
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