NUFORC UFO Sighting 71893
Occurred: 2009-08-11 19:00 LocalReported: 2009-08-27 15:38 Pacific
Duration: 15 sec.
No of observers: 2
Location: Dhubri (India), , India
Shape: Light
Characteristics: Emitted beams
A bright Light was captured in the frame while taking picture of a small boat on the River Brahmaputra in Dark Evening with cloud @Sky
I was on my vacation at my home town Dhubri, which is situated at the bank of River Brahmaputra in Assam, India.
On 11th August 2009 I went to the River side with my Mother, Wife and Daughter. It was around 7pm in the evening and there was no electricity at the town (load shedding). I wanted to capture a still of a small Dinghy that was passing by. I forgot to lift the Flash Light of my Canon SX10 IS and took a snap of the River with the Dinghy, apparently the photo came dark. There was cloud on the sky too, but when I looked at the monitor of my camera, I was surprised to spot a bright light over the horizon. Before I take a second snap it disappeared. In the still you can clearly see the Moon behind the floating clouds.
Can you analyze the photo and let me know if something alien was captured by my Canon?
Photo of barn owl in flight. PD
Posted 2009-08-28
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