NUFORC Sighting 7165

Occurred: 1995-08-01 01:45 Local - Approximate
Reported: 1999-05-01 00:00 Pacific
Duration: 5 mins.
No of observers: 2

Location: Van Nuys, CA, USA

Shape: Changing
Characteristics: Lights on object

I saw this craft, it sounded like an airplane flying overhead at first, and it was shaped like a stick-figure bird (silver). I lived on the third floor of an apt. building and it flew down from the sky, at my eye level, but on the other side of the street (I was looking out my window). Then it seemed like the object new it was being watched becuause after it passed my window, about one block down the street, it made a slow u-turn to my side of the street, and was coming slowly toward my apt. building. Now it was much quiter.Right before it reached my window the object turned into this huge, black pyramid/trapezoid shape, with a loan yellow light blinking a little above the middle. It slowly passed my window, a few feet above my head, and after it passed my building, it changed back into its original silver shape and flew into the sky.

I lived on the third floor of an apt. building,and was looking out my window up at the sky. The moon was out. Suddenly, I hear a really loud sound. It sounded like an airplane flying overhead. Then I see this object come flying down from the sky and it was shaped like a stick-figure bird (silver)(I could draw it). It had a red, blinking light at the tale. it flew down from the sky, at my eye level, but on the other side of the street. It was flying fast and zoomed by window. I screamed for my boyfriend to come look and he saw it too. Then it seemed like the object new it was being watched becuause after it passed my window, about two block down the street, it made a slow u-turn to my side of the street, and was coming slowly toward my apt. building. Now it was much quiter.Right before it reached my window the object turned into this huge, black pyramid/trapezoid shape, with a loan yellow light blinking a little above the middle. It slowly passed my window, a few feet above my head. After it passed my building, it changed back into its original shape and flew up into the sky. It went over my apartment building, high in the sky. I ran out my front door and watched it fly over some trees in the distance.

Posted 1999-05-24

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