NUFORC UFO Sighting 71509
Occurred: 2009-08-03 17:00 LocalReported: 2009-08-05 23:08 Pacific
Duration: 40 seconds
No of observers: 2
Location: Kenosha, WI, USA
Shape: Other
Stingray Shaped Object in broad Day light
Monday August 3, 2009, it was about 5pm. There were blue skys, bright day, no clouds. I was driving my mother to a store taking north on 24th Ave. Going left on 45th St in Kenosha, Wi. As we approached 45th St to turn Left. I noticed a large object that had looked like the shape of a stingray. It was completely solid black, moving slowly. About 200 hundred feet in the air. It was approximately 18 feet wide and roughly 10 feet long. We watched it for about 40 seconds before turning. And watched it for a moment while driving away. Where it looked like wings, it seemed like they were in mid flap, but had never moved.
Tuesday August 4,2009 About 5pm. My mother had been sitting in front of my house. And she reported to me that she had seen the object again. It had been flying from north of 25th Ave. towards south on 25th Ave. She had said again it seemed like it was soaring, like a bird that could not move its wings. It took approximately 3 minutes to pass.
Posted 2009-08-27
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